Welcome To Stottlemyer Early Childhood Center


Just a reminder that students return to school tomorrow, Monday February 24th. Please ensure your student is ready to start school on time and that if you are dropping off you remember all the parking lot rules (slow down, park in assigned spots, and leave the front bus/fire lane empty.)

Thank you for partnering and keeping all students safe!

This Wednesday at 3:15 we will hold our Kindergarten Information Meeting. Everyone (even non WWCSD families) are encouraged to attend to learn more about the district kindergarten opportunities.

Childcare is available for those who need it.

Looking forward to a great week ahead!

Thank you!

Jennifer Page

Stottlemyer Early Childhood Center Principal

Kindergarten Information

Kindergarten Information

Join us for an informative pre-enrollment meeting on Wednesday, February 26th from 3:15-4pm at Stottlemyer Early Childhood Center. 

  • Kindergarten enrollment information
  • Meet local Kindergarten and Young 5's teachers as well as other elementary staff members
  • Excellent opportunity to ask questions!



State Testing Information

Attention: Annual State Testing for students in Grades 3-11

This spring our students will be taking the required annual state tests during the window of April 7, 2025 through May 15, 2025. Please click to review all of the testing details.

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Self-Harm Awareness Month

Care Solace Article: Self-Harm Awareness Month

March is Self-Harm Awareness Month. If a student has been hurting themselves on purpose, the real hurt is inside. Self-harm is used to cope in the moment but can end up becoming a dangerous cycle. 

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International Social Emotional Learning Day

Care Solace Article: International Social Emotional Learning Day

International Social Emotional Learning Day on March 10th is a way to celebrate the way SEL is “Uplifting Hearts, Connecting Minds.” Studies show SEL reduces stress and promotes self-regulation, self-awareness, social awareness, decision-making, and relationship building. 

Read Full Article

District Updates- Internet and Phone Outage

District communications regarding the disruption of internet and phone services will be posted here as provided.

Spotlight Videos


Connect, Include, Nurture, Inspire.Mission:Stottlemyer Early Childhood Center builds and fosters connections with families, students, staff,and our community to provide an inclusive environment for all learners that promotes success of the whole child through exploration and play to inspire every child to become a confident,independent, and life long learner.

We Believe:

  • Children learn in a safe, kind, nurturing, inclusive and respectful environment.
  • Building relationships with all students, families, and staff is a crucial link for educational success.
  • By providing families with resources, trainings, and connections within the community we empower their children to become lifelong learners.
  • In the development of the whole child including developing social emotional skills, individual interests and fostering independence.
  • Data and curriculum are used as a guide for individualized instruction.
  • Children learn through play at their own pace and all growth should be celebrated.
  • Providing every child with a positive learning environment and diverse experiences sets a foundation for learning success.

Points of Pride

Stottlemyer Early Childhood Center is a well rounded family center that offers resources to families who qualify from birth to age five. We have dedicated specialist personnel including two nurses, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and a psychologist to meet the unique needs of each of our students.

All families are welcome at Stottlemyer! We offer tuition free programs for families who qualify in addition to affordable tuition-based preschool for those who don’t meet state and federal earning thresholds. We also offer specialty programs for students with special developmental needs that combine highly skilled and specialized programming with opportunities to interact with and be included in general education preschool programs. The SXI  Program offers a wide range of accommodations, modifications, and use of assistive technology throughout the school day to meet EVERY student where he/she is at.

We offer a wide range of parent resources and supports. We have before and after care for students to better accommodate parent working schedules. We seek continuous parent involvement in our school through participation in our parent policy committee, numerous during and after school events for families, and daily opportunities for families to volunteer in the classroom. 


Jennifer Page
Preschool Principal

Contact Us

Stottlemyer Early Childhood

34801 Marquette
Westland, MI 48185

Phone: 734-419-2630
Fax: 734-595-2573

Champions Before and After Care

Phone: (734) 512-8571

Office Hours

Mon - Th 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Student Hours

See Program Schedules

Stottlemyer Calendar

Stottlemyer Calendar
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Website Accessibility

Website Accessibility Policy 

Wayne-Westland Community Schools (“District”) is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website for students, parents, employees, and members of the public. All pages on the District’s website will conform to the W3C WAI’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA conformance, or updated equivalents of those guidelines. The District will continue to test future releases/updates of its website and remains committed to maintaining its compliance and serving the widest possible audience. To this end, the District will perform periodic accessibility audits of its website.

Please report any concerns on the Accessibility Concerns page. 

Web Accessibility Coordinator:
Scott Mastenbrook
734 419-2009