Sunshine & Rainbows Preschool
Sunshine & Rainbows Preschool Program
Sunshine and Rainbows is the preschool component of the Early Childhood/Teacher Education class at the William D. Ford Career Technical Center of the Wayne-Westland Community School District. It was established in 1973 at Kettering Elementary School as a training site for high school students and adults in the child care field. The program moved to the Timothy J. Dyer Social Services Building located at 36745 Marquette, Westland MI 48185 in 1981.
Each day, we are committed to doing the best possible job to teach the children, to keep them safe, and manage various planned activities. We expect that the students and staff will maintain a positive attitude and be responsible for following the policies of the school and district. You can always contact one of the staff members if you have questions.
Our philosophy is to provide an atmosphere, which allows a child to feel, accepted and secure. Our goal is to maintain an atmosphere of freedom, friendliness, and creativity with adult interaction kept at a level, which does not interfere with the development of the child’s independence. When children are relaxed and happy, and know what is expected of them, learning potential increases.
In addition our center is planned/organized so that the placement of equipment and furniture help children learn how to manage their own behavior, make choices and follow through with the completion of activities. Through adult guidance and association with playmates, the child is being prepared for self-control at a pace, which he/she can understand and master. She/he becomes aware of individual worth and her/his importance as a group member through this process.
Sunshine & Rainbows Preschool Registration
Sunshine & Rainbows Parent Handbook
Preschool Information Packet (includes tuition information/payment options)
Sunshine & Rainbows 2024-2025 Application