Taft Latest News

October 18, 2024
Dear Taft- Galloway School Community,

Can you believe that students have already been in school for over 36school days this year?Time flies when you're having fun and learning!

NEWSLETTER: Tiger Times - October 2024

September 20, 2024
Taft- Galloway September Newsletter

A Message from Brandon C. Cox - Principal

Dear Taft- Galloway Families,

I hope this newsletter finds you well as we settle into the new school year. I'm thrilled to report that our start has been nothing short of exceptional!

NEWSLETTER: Tiger Times - September 2024

August 26, 2024
Dear Parents/ Guardians,

On behalf of the staff at Taft “The World’s Greatest Elementary School,” I am happy to welcome you back to yet another exciting year! It is with great joy and enthusiasm that we extend our warmest greetings to you and your children. We hope this letter finds you well, rested, and ready for the wonderful journey ahead. 

24-25 Welcome Letter

August 22, 2024
Dear Parents/ Guardians,

On behalf of the staff at Taft “The World’s Greatest Elementary School,” I am happy to welcome you back to yet another exciting year! It is with great joy and enthusiasm that we extend our warmest greetings to you and your children. We hope this letter finds you well, rested, and ready for the wonderful journey ahead.

Taft Welcome Back Letter

February 28, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we enter March here are a few important reminders...

Safety in our parking lot is very important to us. Most families follow the parking lot rules; however we still have some families that are speeding, attempting to pass one another, and showing up late to pick up. Please do not speed or pass the vehicle in front of you. Please be on time to pick up your child!

Dojo is the best form of communication between families and our staff. Please feel free to communicate with any of our staff members through the Dojo app. Parents, if your phone number or address has changed please reach out to our office to let us know so we can make changes in our system.

Playground construction has started and will continue throughout the remainder of this school year. Please remind your students to stay off the grounds that are under construction to ensure safety. Other construction projects such as the building of our new gym, restructuring the front office, removal of all carpet and installation of tile as well as a fresh paint job for the entire interior will start immediately after the last day of school.

Brandon C. Cox


External LinkNEWSLETTER: Tiger Times - February 2024