Roosevelt-McGrath News
- February 11: PTO Financial Meeting (Make-up meeting from last Thursday's school cancellation due to ice.) (Located in the cafeteria.)
- February 13: Someone Special Dance (6-8pm)
- February 17-21: No School (Mid Winter Recess)
- March 24-28: No School (Spring Break)
- January 13-31: PTO Penny Wars (See the flyer below for information)
- February 13: Someone Special Dance (6-8pm)
- February 17-21: No School (Mid Winter Recess)
- March 24-28: No School (Spring Break)
- January 13-31: PTO Penny Wars (See the flyer below for information)
- January 14: PTO Meeting (See the flyer below for information)
- January 17: Half Day (Dismissal is at 11:40 am)
- January 20: No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
- February 13: Someone Special Dance (6-8pm)
- February 17-21: No School (Mid Winter Recess)
On behalf of our entire staff at Roosevelt-McGrath, we wish you a joyous and festive holiday season. May your holiday season bring you special moments and happy memories. Have a Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday, January 6, 2025!
- December 9-13: PTO Book Fair (Classes will visit the Book Fair during the week and it will be open to families during Parent/Teacher Conferences.)
- December 10: Half Day-Dismissal is at 11:40am
- December 10: Parent Teacher Conferences (1-4pm & 5-8pm)
- December 11: Mobile Dentist
- December 12: Half Day-Dismissal is at 11:40am
- December 12: Parent/Teacher Conferences (1-6:25pm)
- December 16-20: Holiday Spirit Week (See details below)
- December 19: Mobil Dentist
- December 19: 1st and 2nd Grade Concert (6:30pm @ Stevenson Middle School)
- December 23 -January 3: No School (Winter Recess)
We respect that some appointments or obligations will require you to pick-up your child(ren) early from school. If you have an appointment and you must pick up your child early, please expect delays and please come before 2:45 pm. In the spirit of safety, our dismissal process involves all staff and it is very difficult to have staff get a student early from their classroom and bring them to the office between 2:45 and 3:20 pm. Please do not pick-up children between 2:45 and 3:20pm. This greatly affects our safe and efficient dismissal process. We do not have extra staff to easily get students from class prior to our 3:20 dismissal. Thank you for your continued support. Go Roadrunners!
- November 5: No School-Election Day and Staff Professional Development
- November 7: Pizza Delivery (4:30-6:30 pm)
- November 12: PTO Meeting
- November 12: Title 1 Parent Informational Meeting directly after our PTO Meeting.
- November 13: Picture retake day
- November 19: Vision Van
- November 20-22: 5th Grade Camp
- December 11: Mobile Dentist
- December 19: Mobil Dentist
- October 25: Trunk or Treat (6-8pm)
- October 25: Popcorn Day
- October 31: Half day (Dismissal is at 11:40am)
- November 5: No School-Election Day and Staff Professional Development
- November 7: Pizza Delivery (4:30-6:30 pm)
- November 12: PTO Meeting
- November 12: Title 1 Parent Informational Meeting directly after our PTO Meeting.
- November 13: Picture retake day
- October 9: Detroit Tigers Spirit Day
- October 14-18: Be a Buddy not a Bully Week
- October 25: Trunk or Treat (6-8pm)
- October 25: Popcorn Day
- October 31: Half day (Dismissal is at 11:40am)
- November 13: Picture retake day
Every Friday, we encourage our students, staff and families to wear Roadrunner spirit wear and/or red to celebrate being a Roadrunner. Of course we also have some fun with it and add a little competition. Each Friday, we select the 3 classes with the most Roadrunner red spirit. We select one winning class to represent grades (k-2), (3-5) and McGrath. Each winning class proudly gets a Roadrunner flag displayed outside of their classroom for the following week to show off their Roadrunner spirit. Don't forget to wear your red on Fridays.