Graham Latest News
Happy Friday!
I hope everyone is enjoying this nice weather we are having. I love seeing the sun and blue skies! The first day of spring is next week so hopefully we will continue to see an increase in our temperatures. This is our last week of school before Spring Break. We will be off the entire week of March 24th-28th. When we return from break, students will go back to lining up outside of their classroom doors again. We will still have adults over in the parking lot area to help with drop off but students will not be lining up in the cafeteria for the rest of the school year.
Happy Friday!
This weekend is SPRING FORWARD! That means that days will be longer, and weather will be getting warmer. This time change can be difficult for many of us because we are losing an hour of sleep and it can be hard to adjust. The weather will be fluxuating quite a bit in the next few weeks. Please continue to send coats, boots, hats, and gloves to school with your child so that they are prepared for any type of weather. We go outside every day as long as weather permits and we don't have spots for students to go to if they are not prepared for the weather.
I hope everyone had a great Mid- Winter Break!
We have lots of activities coming up, including ones that we need to reschedule because of Snow Days! We will be holding out student of the month assembly for our January winners on March 6th with our February winners.
Happy Friday!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend! Since we had a "snow day" yesterday, we did reschedule the Student of the Month assembly for next Thursday, February 13th. I did send a special note to any parents that were originally invited to inform them of the change. Valentine's Day is approaching and classroom teachers will communicate what their plans will be for their class that day. Please be on the lookout for dojo messages or emails from them.
What a crazy week we had last week!!! Hopefully we will be back on track this week and we won't have too many weather issues. I am also a little sad that we won't be watching our Lions play today! I apologize for this note not coming out until today but I also caught the sick bug that has been going around the school. This time of year is always difficult with lots of different illnesses going around. If your child exhibits any symptoms of illness, such as fever, cough, sore throat, or gastrointestinal issues, please keep them home to rest and recover. Students may return to school after being fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. For other illnesses, please consult with your healthcare provider on when it would be appropriate for your child to return to school.
We had a great first week back from break! It's always a little tough getting back into the routine but we all made it!
Please remember that we do NOT dismiss students between 3:40-4:00 pm due to the office being extremely busy at the end of the day. If you need to pick up your child early from school, please do so BEFORE 3:40 pm. We appreciate your help with this!!!
Happy New Year!!! Welcome back to school. We hope you had a wonderful winter break filled with joy, relaxation and time spent with loved ones. As we step into this New Year, we are excited to embark on more learning, growth and fun at Graham!!
Happy Friday everyone!
The district is still working on getting our phones back up and running. I am hoping that over the weekend, we get them all back online. We will continue to communicate with you via DOJO and email. If you still have not joined Class DOJO, I would highly recommend it, especially after the last week that we were down with internet and phone lines. We post a lot of reminders and information that is important for you to know.
Well, this week has been interesting to say the least! I am very proud of our staff and students as well as all of YOU for being patient and flexible. We have been working hard to come up with alternatives to using the internet and I think the kids really like it! It looks as if phones are still an issue and will hopefully be restored some time next week. Please be sure that you are checking your email for all of the updates from the district. This would also be a good time to make sure that we have your correct email address and your contact information.
I hope everyone had a wonderful break! It was much needed for all of us. I hope everyone was able to see some family and friends over this Thanksgiving holiday too. The holiday season is now officially upon us and these next three weeks are going to go by SUPER fast!