Edison Latest News
I hope you are having a good week so far!
Just a reminder, there is NO SCHOOL for students on Wednesday, September 25th! Staff have professional development all day. School will resume on Thursday, September 26th.
Picture Day is coming soon! Edison's picture day is Friday, October 4th. See the additional information below. Order forms will be sent home this week!
Thank you for a fantastic start to the school year! Our Open House was well-attended and the students have been excited to meet their teacher and classmates. The students are getting into the school routine and becoming more comfortable in their classroom!
Please take some time to go through this newsletter, there are lots of important reminders and information!
District Calendar Update: NO SCHOOL for students on Wednesday, September 25th
Thank you for a fantastic start to the school year! Our Open House was well-attended and the students have been excited to meet their teacher and classmates. The students are getting into the school routine and becoming more comfortable in their classroom!
On behalf of the staff at Edison Elementary School, I am happy to welcome you back for another exciting school year! We hope this letter finds you well, rested, and ready for the journey ahead.
I hope you are well and looking forward to the last few weeks of school! It's a busy time of year, but also very exciting as we celebrate all of the progress each student has made. I appreciate all of the help and support from each Edison Family, it's been an excellent year!
I hope you had a nice Spring Break and Easter! It's hard to believe, but we are in the final stretch of the school year. This is a very busy time, so please read the updates below!
With the warmer weather, please be extra careful in the parking lot and around the school. Many families will be walking to school or parking across the street to avoid the drop off line in the morning. Staff will be working with the crossing guards to make sure students are arriving at school safely. Please do not drop students off in the parking lot. Use the drop off lane or park your car and walk your student to the front door (see map below). Thank you for following these procedures and helping keep our students safe!