MiBridges Information

During the Public Health Emergency, no recipient has had to complete redetermination for Medicaid in Michigan.  Once the Public Health Emergency (PHE) is lifted (potentially October, 2022), the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) will start doing redeterminations for Medicaid again. The process is done by sending letters to Medicaid recipients, using the last known address. The redeterminations will be done monthly (once they start, on your Medicaid anniversary month) in waves. Meaning, not all individuals will be going through the process at the same time. 

It is vital that anyone who is getting any kind of Medicaid/Healthy Michigan Plan coverage keep up-to-date information in their MiBridges account. It is critical that you update your address if you have moved, so you can continue to receive any paperwork regarding your case. Many individuals/families have moved, had changes in their situation or have new phone numbers and email addresses. Always keep this information current to avoid any disruptions to your case.

What Do You Need to Do? 

Please sign-in to the MiBridges portal, and either UPDATE your account and verify that your information is correct. If you have a current active case with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and do NOT have a MiBridges account, please CREATE one. Once logged into your MiBridges account, verify that your contact information is updated and correct. 

Do not risk losing your coverage or having it interrupted due to incorrect information in your MiBridges account! If you are a Wayne-Westland Community Schools attending family, and need assistance with this process or applying for services, please contact our Family Resource Center at 734-419-2709 or FRC@wwcsd.net. Our Family Resource Center Case Managers are trained Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Navigation Partners. 


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