Weekly Updates and Reminders 1/6-1/17
Hello Hamilton Families!
Happy New Year!! I hope 2025 is off to a great start and keeps right on going for a wonderful year! I hope you and your children are ready to get back to our school routines and activities. I am excited to see our kiddos and get back to work on all of our academic and behavioral goals.
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What a beautiful weekend! This beautiful weather makes up for losing an hour with day light saving time today! The week ahead is supposed to have some nice weather. With the warmer temps we get messy playgrounds, consider putting a change of pants in your child backpack in case they fall in the mud at recess.
Also with the warmer weather we will be directing students to walk around to their assigned door for arrival. Students enter the front door if they are a safety, have a prearranged plan with me or if it is afte 8:25. All other students enter their assigned door. This is done so we know were students are at all time and their teachers know where to expect them. Please drop your child off by 8:15 so they have enough time to walk to their class line up and be ready to walk into class at 8:25. Students must be in class by 8:30. When your child is on time for school this allows them the appropriate amount of time to get them selves ready for a great day of learning.
Please remember with drop off that if you are pulling to the front of the school to drop off you must pull all the way into the yellow striped area before letting your child out of the car. Children need to be let out at the curb so they are not walking in front of cars.Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.
Hello Hamilton Families!
Welcome back after what I hope was a nice break! Hopefully the kids all had a chance to have some fun out in the snow. Please remember our focus on getting to school on time and staying for the whole day. We are in the last quarter of our school year and we need to make every minute count. In our Hamilton Vision statement we wrote that our vision for success includes personal responsibility and discipline, being at school on time every day is a way to practice that life skill.
Hello Hamilton Families!
I hope everyone is staying warm and safe during this bitter cold! While the extreme cold may be moving out, it is still very cold! Please plan accordingly for morning drop off and not arrive before 8:15. Regardless of the temperature, I do not have enough staff in the building to open the doors before 8:15. Also with drop off and pick up, please remember to conduct yourselves in an appropriate and lawful manner. I am fully aware of the problems with people driving too fast, letting students out in the middle lane, parking in no parking zones and blocking traffic. The police are involved and at Hamilton as much as possible, we have 3 crossing guards, several staff members outside and I address it directly with parents when I can identify the person. However, we would not need the police if everyone slows down and follows the rules. Getting in and out of the parking lot will not be quick, plan accordingly. Nothing is solved or made better by cussing a fellow parent out, giving them hand gestures or speeding past them. Think of the example you are setting for our children and the consequences of your actions if someone gets hurt or even if you just get a ticket. It is embarrassing for your children and causes a great deal of fear when parents drive dangerously, cuss, and yell at others. I thank you in advance for your cooperation and support for our Hamilton Community.
Thank you everyone for your patients and understanding with our internet and phone outage. The district is still working on resolving all the issues relating to the outage. Thank you also for all who attended parent-teacher conferences. Your involvement in your child's education is truly an essential piece. If you weren't able to meet with your child's teacher but would still like to meet, consider a phone or zoom conference, reach out to your child's teacher if you still want to touch base.
This is our last week before break and I wish all of you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope your holidays bring you joy and wonderful memories. Enjoy the time off to be rested and ready for a great second half of the year!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and long weekend! I enjoyed the holiday and long weekend spending time with my family and kicking off the Holiday season. Now I am ready to make the last month of the year great! We have many school activities and lessons this month, keep an eye on the calendar and Dojo so your child is not missing out on any of these school activities. As mom of two (and soon to be grandma) it was not that long ago that my boys lived at home and the hustle and bustle of the holidays had me on my toes too! While we want to do so many fun things and get all the holiday events in, do your best to keep schedules and routines as normal as possible. Keep bed time routines and times consistent, spread events out over a few days and allow down time for your whole family. When elementary age children stay on schedule they are better able to control their behavior and emotions, which will make events and activities better for everyone.