September 16, 2024

Zebra Nation,

Our first 5 day week is in the books. Getting fully back into the swing with routines now.

Class Bells / Tardy to Class / Hall Sweeps --

  • We have a bell that rings to release students to go to their next class.
  • We have a warning bell that rings, to alert our students that their next class will be starting in 60 seconds.
  • We then have a bell that rings to start the next class. All students should be inside their classroom when the start of class bell rings.
  • Any student(s) that is not inside their class when the start of class bell rings, is tardy and subject to being picked up in a hall sweep by our leadership team.
  • After the hall sweeps: if a student is picked up *3 times, they will be issued an ISS (in school suspension). After the *4th time, the student will be given an OSS (out of school suspension). The OSS will be progressive (*5th time is 1 day of OSS, *6th time is 2 days of OSS, *7th time is 3 days of OSS, *8th time is 5 days of OSS, and *9th time is 10 days of OSS).
  • We will reset the Hall Sweep Tardies each month.
  • Students are expected to get to class on time and to stay in class.
  • We will begin to run Hall Sweeps, with consequences this week!

NEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information - September 16, 2024