August 22, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

On behalf of the staff at Edison Elementary School, I am happy to welcome you back for another exciting school year!  We hope this letter finds you well, rested, and ready for the journey ahead.

Here are some important dates to keep in mind as we start the school year:

  • Friday, August 23rd: Teacher assignments will be available in Mistar (Parent Connection) by the end of the day
  • Monday, August 26th: Edison Open House from 4:00-5:00pm
  • Tuesday, August 27th: First half day of school from 9:00-12:20pm
  • Wednesday, August 28th and Thursday, August 29th: Full day of school 9:00am-4:00pm
  • Friday, August 30th and Monday, September 2nd: No School (Labor Day Weekend)
  • Tuesday, September 3rd: School resumes!

As you plan for the first day of school, here are some additional reminders:

Edison's number is 734-419-2600.  You need to save this in your phone as a contact.  If you see a call from 734-419-XXXX it could be another phone in the school or district.

Plan to join Class Dojo for your child's class.  Many classroom/school updates are posted on the Dojo app and it's a great way to communicate with teachers.

Make sure to update your address, phone number, and emergency contacts in Mistar (Parent Portal).  We do not have access to your Password, but you can click "Forget your PIN" or "Reset your Password" on the log in page.

Student Drop Off
Students can be dropped off at 9:00am when doors open.  Some 5th graders will enter at 8:50am if they have safety jobs.  Students that walk to school or get dropped off will enter the front doors.  Students that ride the bus will enter the side doors.  We have staff monitoring each door for safety.  Parents/Guardians will be allowed to walk their student to the classroom doors the first week of school ONLY.  After Labor Day, please say goodbye to your student at the front door.

There is NO PARKING in the drop off line (marked with cones) or bus loop.  When using the drop off line, students should exit the car from the passenger side onto the sidewalk.  Crossing guards will help direct traffic.

If you choose to walk your child to the door, please park in a parking space and cross on the crosswalk.  The first week of school (or every week), you may want to park at the ice arena or Jaycee Park across the street to avoid traffic.

Student Pick-up
Teachers will communicate where to pick up your student at dismissal.  You will need to park and pick up at the classroom door.

If you need child care before school or after 4:00pm, please contact the Champions Program at 734-722-7319 or visit 

All students receive free breakfast and lunch.  Snacks and extra slices of pizza can be purchased (more info will be sent out).  Parents are welcome to pack a cold lunch for their student.  Due to Michigan's school nutrition laws, we will not be able to allow fast food lunch deliveries.

If your child has a food allergy, please submit a note from your child's pediatrician to the office.

Bus stop pickup and drop off times should be uploaded into Mistar by Friday, August 23rd.  If you have any questions, the Transportation Department can be reached at 734-419-2150.

Early Dismissal
Students are expected to attend school all day.  If you need to check out your child early for an emergency, appointment, etc., please buzz into the main office.  Make sure to bring your ID and we will call your child out of class.

To report an absence, please utilize the attendance line at 734-419-2606.

The district's attendance policy can be found at this link.

The staff at Edison has been working hard to prepare the school for the return of our students.  They have been planning lessons and activities, field trips, and working to ensure that your child receives the highest quality education!

I feel privileged to be a part of this school community.  Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to seeing you soon!


Bennett Tyler