Stormwater Management Plan

The Wayne-Westland Community Schools (WWCS) is committed to practicing sound stormwater management practices and to observance and adherence to all local, state and federal stormwater policies to the greatest extent possible.

Why worry about stormwater?

Many people may not realize that stormwater collected in drains located on the curbs of their streets does not flow to their local water treatment plant. Rather, this water remains untreated and is discharged directly into the waterways. During this journey to the waterways, stormwater collects and carries a broad range of  pollutants. Stormwater is a non-point source of pollution thus making it extremely difficult to address and the single greatest threat to our water quality and watershed health. Non-point source pollution comes from many diffuse runoff sources such as rainfall, snowmelt, flowing over and through the ground, picking up pollutants as it goes. Some of these pollutants occur naturally, such as nutrients from sediments, manure, or pet wastes. Others pollutants such as fertilizers, automotive grease, and oil occur from our interaction with the environment. Stormwater acts as a carrier of non-point source pollution and therefore considered a major cause of water quality problems both in Michigan and nationwide.

Public Notice of Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)

To this end, the school district has developed and has implemented a “Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP)” to reduce the discharge of pollutants from their MS4 to the Maximum Extent Practicable and protect water quality in accordance with the appropriate water quality requirements of Michigan Act 451, Public Acts of 1994, Part 31, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the district National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit (NPDES). A copy of the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is available for review in the links listed below.  Any questions or comments regarding the Stormwater Management Plan should be directed to the Buildings and Grounds Department or through the contact information listed on the webpage.

More information available:

Wayne-Westland Community Schools Stormwater Management Plan Public Notification
Wayne-Westland Community Schools Stormwater Management Program Plan
Wayne-Westland Community Schools Stormwater Management Portal

For more information about protecting our water, please visit

Annual Hazardous Waste Day

Each city below (sometimes in conjunction with counties and/or other cities) has an annual household hazardous waste day. This is an opportunity for people to properly dispose of/recycle items such as old batteries, paint, used motor oil, electronics, old chemicals, etc. More information on the exact times/locations/restrictions of the hazardous waste day can be found on the city web pages.

Notice of Car Wash Fundraising Events

PDF DocumentWWCS Car Wash Notice 2023-2024

Stormwater Awareness Training

PDF DocumentWWCS Stormwater Awareness Training Video Instructions

About the Stormwater Management Program Plan

This Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMPP) has been created in accordance with Part I Section B and Part I Section C.1.a. of NPDES MIS040000 (Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) With Controls Based on Six Minimum Measures) and the accompanying Certificate of Coverage issued to Wayne-Westland Community Schools in 2004. The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) and this implementation plan are designed to reach specific goals regarding discharge of pollutants from WWCS systems and properties into the Middle and Lower Rouge River Watersheds. The ultimate goal in implementing the plan is to decrease discharge of pollutants to the Maximum Extent Possible (MEP) and to protect the waters of the State of Michigan in compliance with requirements of the Federal Act and the Michigan Act.