Notice of Asbestos Reinspections

In accordance with Section 763.84 of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), or the “Asbestos in Schools Rule,” Wayne-Westland Community Schools is notifying employees and building occupants, or their legal guardians, of activities conducted within the past school year involving the asbestos inspections, response actions, and post-response action activities, including periodic re-inspection and periodic surveillance activities, that are planned or in progress at school district facilities. 

Asbestos surveillances are conducted every six months and continue on a regular schedule. 

The three year re-inspection activities for all district facilities were conducted in January 2015.  The next three year reinspections will occur in January 2018. All surveillances and re-inspections are conducted by Michigan Licensed Asbestos Inspectors. 

No asbestos abatements activities were conducted during the previous school year. When necessary to support renovations, abatement will be completed in accordance with all state and federal regulations by trained and accredited personnel.  Notifications will be provided to potential occupants prior to any scheduled abatement. 

The Wayne- Westland Community Schools AHERA management plans are available for review at each school, or at the Buildings & Grounds Facility, 33415 Myrtle, Wayne, Michigan 48184.  Summaries of abatement projects prior to the 2016-2017 school year are included in the plans, and complete documentation is maintained at the Buildings & Grounds Facility.  

Notice of Asbestos Reinspections, Public Notice of Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), & Request For Notice Of Pesticide Application For Parent/Guardian