Board of Education

Special Meeting of the Board of Education Finance Committee Meeting Public Notification

The Wayne-Westland Community Schools' Board of Education of 36745 Marquette, Westland, Michigan; phone number 734-419-2000, announces the following: 

Special Meeting of the Board of Education 
Finance Committee Meeting 

Thursday, January 16, 2025 
5:30 p.m. 
Administration Building 
Board Room 
36745 Marquette 
Westland, Ml 48185

Official minutes of school board meetings are stored and available for inspection and are kept on file at the Administration Building - 36745 Marquette, Westland, Michigan, 48185- 734-419-2010. 

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting or hearing, please contact Kim Markey, Administrative Assistant at 734-419-2010 at least one week (if the public notice is for a special meeting, the seven-day request period may need to be shortened) prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. 

This notification is issued to assure Wayne-Westland Community Schools compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Act 267 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1976. 

Special Meeting of the Board of Education Board Workshop Public Notification

 The Wayne-Westland Community Schools’ Board of Education of 36745 Marquette, Westland, Michigan; phone number 734-419-2000, announces the following: 

Special Meeting of the Board of Education Board Workshop 

Saturday, January 25, 2025 
9:00 a.m. 
William D. Ford Career Technical Center 
Baracy Banquet Room 
36455 Marquette 
Westland, MI 48185 

Official minutes of school board meetings are stored and available for inspection and are kept on file at the Administration Building – 36745 Marquette, Westland, Michigan, 48185 – 734-419-2010. 

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting or hearing, please contact Kim Markey, Administrative Assistant at 734-419-2010 at least one week (if the public notice is for a special meeting, the seven-day request period may need to be shortened) prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. 

This notification is issued to assure Wayne-Westland Community Schools compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Act 267 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1976. 

Regular Board Meetings

The Board meets regularly on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Meetings may also be held on Tuesdays or Thursdays. For information on exact meeting dates, call the Board Office at (734) 419-2000 or click on the meeting dates link on the right-hand menu.

Board Meetings are Open to the Public

Citizens are encouraged to attend. The Board has complete control over local school matters within the framework set by the State Legislature and State Board of Education. The Board acts as a legislative body, determining general policies for the care, management and control of the District's public schools. The Superintendent and administrative staff are responsible for the execution of these policies. Executive (private) sessions may be held to discuss personnel matters, the purchase or sale of property for competitive bidding, disputes involving court action, negotiations with employees, and certain school security matters. However, all formal action by the Board of Education takes place at the public meetings.


Comments and views on subjects related to Wayne-Westland Community Schools are entertained under the Citizens' Questions and Comments portion of every public meeting. If you wish to address the Board, policy limits each person to three minutes of speaking time.


Board of Education Mission Statement

The Wayne-Westland Community Schools, in cooperation with parents and the community, will educate and prepare all of our students to be knowledgeable, responsible, contributing members of a global society.


Recognition Dates

Employee GroupRecognition Date
TechnologySept 17, 2024
Custodians / WarehouseOct 2, 2024
AdministratorsOct 16, 2024
MaintenanceMar 7, 2025
Paraprofessional / Teacher Aides / Teacher AssistantsApr 3, 2025
VolunteersApr 21, 2025
TransportationApr 22, 2025
Secretaries/IMC ClerksApr 23, 2025
Food ServiceMay 2, 2025
Teachers (all members of Teachers Bargaining Unit and Substitutes)May 5, 2025
NursesMay 6, 2025
CommunicationsMay 9, 2025

These dates have been selected in conjunction with respective national recognition days.

Board Committees

Finance / Facilities

Kimberly R. May (Chair)
Lewanna Abney-Mitchell
Mark Neal

Policy / Procedures / Strategic Planning

Frederick L Weaver, Th.D. (Chair)
Melandie Hines

Regular School Board Elections

The State of Michigan passed School Board election law reform in November 2011, which requires that School Board elections be held during the general elections in November of even-numbered years. This is in line with presidential and governor elections. You may run for the school board trustee position if you are:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • A registered voter
  • A citizen of the USA
  • A resident of the state of Michigan for at least 30 days
  • A resident of the Wayne-Westland Community Schools School District on or before the 30th day prior to the date of the election     

The term of office for a Wayne-Westland Community Schools Board member is six years.

Terms of Current School Board Members:


  • Bradley Gray 
    Appointed: 11-20-2023 | Expires: 12-31-2024
  • Mark Neal
    Elected: 11-06-2018 | Expires: 12-31-2024
  • Frederick Weaver
    Elected: 11-06-2018 | Expires: 12-31-2024
  • Melandie Hines
    Elected: 11-03-2020 | Expires: 12-31-2026
  • Kimberly May
    Elected: 11-30-2020 | Expires: 12-31-2026
  • LeWanna Abney-Mitchell
    Elected: 11-8-2022 | Expires: 12-31-2028
  • David Cox
    Elected: 11-18-2016 | Expires: 12-31-2028

The Wayne County Clerk’s office has designated the City of Wayne or City of Westland as the location for filing a petition or candidate fee for the Wayne-Westland Community Schools Board election. A $100.00 non-refundable fee may be filed in lieu of a petition. Filing packets include the nomination petition and can be picked up at the City Clerk's Office. 

More Information: 

City of Wayne City Clerks' Office 

City of Westland City Clerk's Office



Board of Education

School Board

Bradley Gray
Board President
Frederick Weaver, Th.D.
Board Vice President
Melandie Hines
Board Secretary
Kimberly R. May
Board Treasurer
LeWanna Abney-Mitchell
Board Trustee
David Cox
Board Trustee
Mark Neal
Board Trustee