College and Career Readiness
Awareness. Exploration. Preparation.
Graduation is just the beginning of a student’s education. The College and Career Readiness department offers a diverse portfolio of career pathway education programs to provide real-work experiences and exposure to future career opportunities.
The Michigan Career Development Model (MI CDM) is designed to provide all K-12 students in the Michigan educational system with the necessary knowledge and skills for success in a career of their choice and lifelong learning. Based on the MI CDM, we developed the Wayne-Westland College and Career Readiness Guide with the goal to create learning opportunities that support academic rigor, social-emotional learning, career awareness, exploration and preparation.
- Career Awareness: Grades K-3
- Career Awareness: Grades 4-6
- Career Exploration: Grades 7-8
- Career Preparation: Grades 9-10
- Career Preparation: Grades 11-12
Additional information can be found in the high schools and middle school hubs.
- John Glenn High School
- Wayne Memorial High School
- Middle Schools (Adams, Franklin, Stevenson)
Counseling Department Links
- John Glenn High School
- Wayne Memorial High School
- Adams Middle School
- Franklin Middle School
- Stevenson Middle School
Counselor Directory
Xello is an online program that every student in grades 7-12 are using in school to help them prepare for the future. It offers a variety of activities from middle school to the end of high school. These activities help students build self-knowledge, explore their options, and create achievable plans. They develop the 21st-century skills needed to thrive in the world of work.
- Xello (follow these instructions to access your account)
Lessons and Activities
It is important for students to take ownership in planning for their future. But the caring adults in their life play an essential supporting role. Use your Xello Family account to see your child’s work in future readiness. Use this opportunity to discuss and support their future goals and plans. Learn more on the Xello Parents/Guardians page.
From beginner to expert, use these resources to build your confidence when using Xello.
Looking to learn more about navigating Xello and its features? Check out the Learn section. Ready to launch Xello to your students? Browse Teaching Resources for lesson plans, extension activities, posters, and other in-class aids. Or view our Video Resources for tutorials and feature deep-dives. Learn more here on the Xello Educator page.
Xello FAQs
Looking for more information, please see the Xello FAQs page.