Maintenance and Operations
Stormwater Management
The Wayne-Westland Community Schools (WWCS) is committed to practicing sound stormwater management practices and to observance and adherence to all local, state and federal stormwater policies to the greatest extent possible.
Buildings and Grounds
Maintenance, cleaning, and repair of the District's 30 facilities and the surrounding grounds are the responsibility of the Building and Grounds and Maintenance Departments. The buildings include 2.4 million square feet of space, and District property encompasses 580 acres. The Buildings & Grounds Department also oversees many energy saving initiatives, intended to maximize the allocation of resources into the many instructional programs being offered.
Request For Notice of Pesticide Application for Parent/Guardian
Further information regarding the Notification of Rights under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) may be found on our Transparency Page under the Maintenance & Operations section.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Request For Notice Of Pesticide Application For Parent/Guardian
Complete this form ONLY if you are requesting notification by United States Postal Service first-class mail.
Please be advised that you WILL receive notice via the methods identified in the advisory notice and should only complete this form if you are ALSO requesting notification by first-class mail.
If you are requesting prior notification of pesticide treatments conducted at this school, other than a bait or gel formulation, and you would like the notice to be delivered by United States Postal Service first-class mail at least 3 days prior to the planned treatment, please complete the information on the following form and submit it to:
Matt Connolly, Supervisor of Maintenance & Operations
33415 Myrtle, Wayne, MI 48184
(734) 419-2160.
Request For Notice of Pesticide Application for Parent/Guardian
Contact Information